Culture & Life

Long Bien district to launch an emulation movement to ensure traffic order and safety in 2020 within the district


 Illutration – Source: Internet According to the Plan in 2020, Long Bien district will launch an emulation movement to perform political tasks, successfully complete the targets specified in Plan No. 05/KH-BATGT dated January 13, 2020, of Long Bien District Traffic Safety Board on ensuring traffic order and safety, reducing traffic congestion and accidents in the..

 Illutration – Source: Internet

According to the Plan in 2020, Long Bien district will launch an emulation movement to perform political tasks, successfully complete the targets specified in Plan No. 05/KH-BATGT dated January 13, 2020, of Long Bien District Traffic Safety Board on ensuring traffic order and safety, reducing traffic congestion and accidents in the district by 2020; continue to effectively implement the direction of the Central and City authorities on ensuring traffic order and safety for road, railway, inland waterways, and remedying traffic jams; improve the state management capacity and efficiency in the field of ensuring traffic order and safety; maintain and repair traffic infrastructure in accordance with decentralization; and promptly handle the locations where traffic accidents often occur.

Strengthen the inspection and patrol; control and handle any violations of the law on traffic safety and order, especially violations of regulations on alcohol content, drug, and speed for drivers, on helmet wearing for people driving motorcycles, motorbikes, electric motorbikes, electric bikes; violations such as using cars which are expired or of which the inspection period expires, using the telephone while operating a motor vehicle on road, failing to comply with traffic signals; violations of regulations on transport business conditions and tonnage, means of transport, technical safety of vehicles, traffic safety assurance of traffic infrastructure; violations of traffic participants that pose a high risk of traffic accidents and traffic jams.

Renovate and improve the efficiency of propaganda, dissemination and education about the law on traffic order and safety in transportation activities, focusing on raising awareness of traffic participants so that they observe the law of traffic order and safety.

Further implement consistent solutions to prevent traffic congestion on main routes, intersections, key traffic nodes of the district; apply IT in management and operation of urban traffic, and encourage the use of transportation services.

Nhat Minh